Category:Items with VRTS permission confirmed
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Bahasa Indonesia: Barang-baranh ini punya Izin OTRS dikonfirmasi, disertifikasi dengan dimasukkannya {{PermissionTicket}} (secara tidak langsung melalui {{OTRS}} pada mereka).
Deutsch: In dieser Kategorie befinden sich Dateien, für die eine VRT-Freigabe vermerkt ist. Sie sollen hier nicht manuell einsortiert werden, sondern werden automatisch über die Dateiseiteneinbindung von {{PermissionTicket}} (indirekt über beispielsweise {{OTRS}}) einsortiert.
English: These items have VRTS permission confirmed, certified by the inclusion of {{PermissionTicket}} (indirectly via {{OTRS}}) on them.)
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한국어: 이 분류의 항목들은 Volunteer Response Team를 통해 저작권이 옳음을 확인받은 항목들입니다. {{PermissionTicket}} 혹은 {{OTRS}}를 통해 확인받은 파일들이 추가됩니다.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Items with VRTS permission confirmed"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
- File talk:2019 Veltman V V 'Портр А Млынарчика' орг фото см техн 122х91.jpg
- File talk:2020 Kolganova V V.jpg
- File talk:2021 Veltman V V 'Сближение' х м 130х180.jpg
- File talk:2022 Veltman V V 'Станция Мир' х м 130х180.jpg
- File talk:2022 Вельтман В В 'Хрустальные черепа' х м 180х130 INet.jpg
- File talk:2023 Veltman V V 'Конец эпохи' колл орг смештехн 100х76.jpg
- File talk:2023 Veltman V V 'Пан' колл фанер смеш 73х60.jpg
- File talk:2023 Veltman V V 'Последний Пан' х м 50х70.jpg
Media in category "Items with VRTS permission confirmed"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,623,875 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
!Cube - Ransumaasta kajahtaa.wav 3 min 51 s; 42.28 MB
!Wolf Nkole Helzle.jpg 2,793 × 2,793; 1.33 MB
!Язэп Сьцепановіч (Менск, 2011 г.).jpg 1,880 × 2,816; 337 KB
" Promenade" - 709 GAÏTIS.jpg 181 × 222; 76 KB
" Автопортрет с музой".jpg 1,586 × 718; 50 KB
" Алиса в Зазеркалье ".jpg 1,044 × 2,352; 2.05 MB
" Едва дыша".jpg 1,962 × 1,117; 846 KB
" ТУРЕЦКИЕ ОРЕШКИ ".jpg 2,559 × 3,224; 1,007 KB
"08 Red" Pezetel PZL-104 Wilga 35A (8135406450).jpg 2,304 × 1,536; 1,020 KB
"12 стул".jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 358 KB
"1912 - Mission Moderne" Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud.jpg 480 × 700; 385 KB
"2 p.m".jpg 3,543 × 2,362; 196 KB
"23 образи Петрика П'яточкина".png 1,725 × 2,318; 4.65 MB
"27th Street Hearth", Elaine Hammer Bridge plaza, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 7.23 MB
"3 Shades of...".JPG 1,200 × 1,800; 557 KB
"31 White" Mil Mi-9 in Primer ( C-n 98133015 ) (8019017736).jpg 2,304 × 1,536; 784 KB
"5, rue Socrate" - Huile sur toile - N°925 - Yannis GAÏTIS.jpg 367 × 467; 229 KB
"A birds world Nr.5".jpg 1,243 × 1,575; 235 KB
"A Bull Whisperer," a painting by Nina Kossman.jpg 995 × 1,014; 257 KB
"A Frigid Place gets a Blast from Space," Winter Carnival 2009.png 120 × 112; 28 KB
"A Man from Venice".jpeg 512 × 339; 41 KB
"A" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92951.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.7 MB
"Aaron" (portrait of kneeling toddler by Aapo Pukk).jpg 512 × 515; 77 KB
"Aaron" (portrait of standing toddler by Aapo Pukk).jpg 512 × 778; 123 KB
"Abduction of Ludmila" by Nina Kossman.jpg 446 × 576; 298 KB
"Abschied" 2007.jpg 2,130 × 1,926; 376 KB
"Abstrakte Komposition" Hans Kruzwicki.jpg 2,660 × 2,119; 1.83 MB
"Acchileus" - Perama, 2009.jpg 1,280 × 854; 179 KB
"Achilleas" - Perama, 2004.jpg 1,200 × 803; 118 KB
"Adamantios Korais" - Perama, 2008.jpg 1,200 × 800; 397 KB
"Adriatic Star" - Kerastini, 1984.jpg 1,199 × 812; 532 KB
"After Dark", 2 February 1991, "Counting the Cost of a Free Press".jpg 1,481 × 1,089; 321 KB
"Afterglow" by Ray L. Burggraf, 2005.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 539 KB
"Agamemnon" - 107 GAÏTIS.jpg 217 × 315; 92 KB
"Aguante la calsa de Cris".jpg 2,000 × 3,325; 1.47 MB
"Aix'Space" - Aix-les-Bains, 2003.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 176 KB
"Akdeniz" - Aliağa, 2015.jpg 2,333 × 3,500; 1.05 MB
"Akdeniz" - Aliağa, 2016.jpg 1,500 × 1,000; 381 KB
"Al-Mansur" - 1982.jpg 1,400 × 933; 285 KB
"Al-Salam Boccacio 98" - Genoa, 2001.jpg 1,734 × 1,175; 2.17 MB
"Alcaeos" - Perama, 2002.jpg 1,199 × 901; 443 KB
"All My Hope" quilt by Mary Catherine Lamb.jpg 960 × 928; 168 KB
"Alone" di ©Alberto Sciuto.jpg 907 × 1,280; 831 KB
"Alter Hafen-vor 1914".Bremerhaven. Ölgemälde.H. Kohnert.jpg 3,496 × 4,960; 2.07 MB
"Amanari" by artist Ithaka Darin Pappas.jpg 4,632 × 3,469; 5.35 MB
"Amerikanis" - Saint George, 1987.jpg 925 × 574; 423 KB
"Ancient Iran" by Javad Alizadeh.jpg 429 × 600; 106 KB
"And his Brothers did not envy Him" - Dress Code for Auschwitz - Rachel Roggel.jpg 3,616 × 3,560; 6.23 MB
"Andrea C" - La Spezia, 1982.jpg 1,799 × 1,199; 349 KB
"Angel" by Carl Søren Dahl.jpg 4,560 × 4,912; 993 KB
"Angelina Lauro" - Tilbury, 1976 (cropped).jpg 2,955 × 893; 295 KB
"Angelina Lauro" - Tilbury, 1976.jpg 3,482 × 2,775; 1.05 MB
"Anker mit Rolle" (Ansicht)-HSGH 022-001539-01.jpg 4,514 × 6,711; 19.65 MB
"Anker mit Rolle" (Ansicht)-HSGH 022-001539-02.jpg 7,033 × 6,884; 21.92 MB
"Anker mit Rolle" (Ansicht)-HSGH 022-001539-03.jpg 6,914 × 6,884; 21.5 MB
"Antonia" - 2010.jpg 1,280 × 820; 136 KB
"Apogée" ou "Le promeneur" - 1444.jpg 425 × 426; 434 KB
"Aquila" - Hoek van Holland, 1980.jpg 1,200 × 800; 113 KB
"Arc-en-Ciel" - Lac du Bourget, 1994.jpg 886 × 591; 121 KB
"Argonaut" - Alexandria, 1983.jpg 1,023 × 682; 104 KB
"Argonaut" - Harwich, 1986.jpg 1,547 × 1,003; 222 KB
"Arhiv" Službeni poster napravio Lovro Preprotnik.jpg 1,190 × 1,869; 991 KB
"Arielle" - 2004.jpg 3,900 × 2,600; 1.65 MB
"Arion" - Piraeus, 1978.jpg 1,750 × 824; 486 KB
"Arka Czasu" cover.jpg 1,687 × 2,493; 1.7 MB
"ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal", 2021, Canada.jpg 1,125 × 1,439; 208 KB
"ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal", 2021, Canadaщшр.jpg 1,125 × 1,423; 93 KB
"At Home" Function at Navy House on 4 December 2017 (1).jpg 700 × 467; 171 KB
"At Home" Function at Navy House on 4 December 2017 (2).jpg 700 × 467; 213 KB
"At Home" Function at Navy House on 4 December 2017 (3).jpg 700 × 467; 185 KB
"At Home" Function at Navy House on 4 December 2017 (4).jpg 700 × 468; 166 KB
"Athinai" - Eleusis, 1986.jpg 1,199 × 792; 175 KB
"Atlantis" in the Bahamas.jpg 750 × 562; 155 KB
"Atlas" - Miami, 1974.jpg 850 × 492; 67 KB
"Attached to the Village" by Javad Alizadeh.jpg 430 × 527; 111 KB
"Ausonia" - Genoa, 1989.jpg 2,362 × 1,575; 3.19 MB
"Autoportrait" - 1 GAÏTIS.jpg 274 × 337; 117 KB
"Autoportree valges särgis".jpeg 512 × 687; 72 KB
"Autoportree".jpeg 512 × 685; 70 KB
"Azores" - Honfleur, 2015.jpg 2,048 × 1,280; 570 KB
"Azure Seas" - Port Everglades, 1991.jpg 875 × 580; 496 KB
"Azərbaycan Narı" döş nişanı (Patent döş nişanı).jpg 1,920 × 2,485; 2.3 MB
"Azərbaycan Narı" döş nişanı (Patent).jpg 1,920 × 2,485; 4.81 MB
"Azərbaycan Narı" döş nişanı.png 1,509 × 2,481; 7.55 MB
"B" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92952.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.71 MB
"Back Yards, Public Road, Kitty", by Leila Locke.jpg 472 × 369; 36 KB
"Balbek" - Eleusis, 2000.jpg 1,200 × 819; 207 KB
"Bare Handed" II - Filter Space, Chicago.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 4.42 MB
"Batillus" - Kaohsiung, 1986.JPG 1,504 × 1,000; 139 KB
"BBQ at the Temple of Athena" (2015).jpg 278 × 210; 30 KB
"Be aware of invisibility".jpg 3,937 × 4,724; 736 KB
"Beiß´ ruhig rin Papa - et jibt keene Pferde mehr!".jpg 1,270 × 1,002; 374 KB
"Berkane" - Melilla, 2006.jpg 3,008 × 2,000; 1.55 MB
"Berlin starry night"- tape art by Slava Ostap (cropped).jpg 699 × 601; 735 KB
"Berlin starry night"- tape art by Slava Ostap.jpg 800 × 800; 713 KB
"Between the Stratum of Trauma and Violence" 01.jpg 521 × 1,024; 266 KB
"Bila Mencintaimu" Album Artwork.jpg 3,000 × 3,000; 4.06 MB
"Bilama" (poblado atacameño abandonado).jpg 2,890 × 3,861; 301 KB
"Birth of the Snake in the Garden of Eden" by Nina Kossman.jpg 1,024 × 1,169; 1.26 MB
"Blue Sea" - Genoa, 1997.jpg 1,799 × 1,199; 2.72 MB
"Bonshommes" - Huile sur toile - N°1142 - Yannis GAÏTIS.jpg 446 × 369; 173 KB
"Boss Art", 2021, China.jpg 1,063 × 685; 134 KB
"Boughaz" & "Akdeniz" - Aliağa, 2015.jpg 3,500 × 2,333; 1,005 KB
"Boîte à sardines" ou "La Mise en boîte" - 1232.jpg 425 × 340; 215 KB
"Breath".jpg 624 × 471; 28 KB
"Britanis" - Key West, 1990.jpg 2,939 × 1,934; 908 KB
"Broken face" by Alisa Yoffe.jpg 1,680 × 1,120; 418 KB
"Brunnenbaum" von François Stahly-HSGH 022-001517-04.jpg 5,649 × 6,913; 22.68 MB
"Butt im Griff" und "Sieben Vögel".JPG 1,181 × 1,772; 2.6 MB
"Buttress", 1997,180" x 53" x 33", Latex and fabric.jpg 394 × 600; 188 KB
"C" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92953.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.26 MB
"Cafe Europa".jpg 1,181 × 1,181; 157 KB
"Calypso" - Montreal, 1980.jpg 3,088 × 2,039; 1.06 MB
"Can there be a single EU foreign policy?" (5930262636).jpg 2,136 × 1,424; 835 KB
"Candide" av Voltaire - Skoklosters slott - 86174.tif 4,272 × 3,504; 42.85 MB
"Cannonball"-Torte.jpg 720 × 446; 272 KB
"Capilla de San Pedro".jpg 815 × 1,349; 575 KB
"Caracol" Paviotti.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 424 KB
"Carelessness with an Open Flame Causes Fire...".jpg 10,200 × 6,600; 3.92 MB
"Carmania" - River Fal.jpg 2,909 × 1,976; 3.74 MB
"Carnivale" - Miami, 1984.jpg 900 × 577; 387 KB
"CAROLVS. XI. REX. SVECIAE", smycke från 1672 cirka - Livrustkammaren - 97848.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 60.17 MB
"Chicano Legacy" mosaic, Carlos Blanco Aguinaga.jpg 300 × 225; 70 KB
"China Sea Discovery" - Kaohsiung, 2002.jpg 1,396 × 768; 145 KB
"Choike del Nguillatún".jpg 1,511 × 3,491; 423 KB
"Choreography for Copy Machine (Photocopy Cha Cha)" theatrical movie poster.jpg 1,116 × 1,743; 2.06 MB
"City of Andros" - Eleusis, 1986.jpg 1,191 × 790; 136 KB
"City of Hydra" - Eleusis, 2000.jpg 3,153 × 2,254; 1.6 MB
"City of Hydra" - Piraeus, 1988.jpg 1,199 × 812; 595 KB
"City of Poros" - 1988.jpg 1,199 × 812; 510 KB
"Clemenceau" - Toulon, 2005.jpg 1,024 × 711; 63 KB
"Club I" - Hoek van Holland, 1999.jpg 1,200 × 800; 166 KB
"Columbus C" - Miami, 1984.jpg 900 × 607; 207 KB
"Comme un enfant" - 615 GAÏTIS.jpg 337 × 338; 135 KB
"Complet" - 966.jpg 270 × 353; 232 KB
"Complet" - Huile sur toile - N°966 - Yannis GAÏTIS.jpg 375 × 490; 221 KB
"Composizione" di Romano Rizzato.jpg 1,006 × 768; 292 KB
"COOK".jpg 3,543 × 2,362; 478 KB
"Cootie Quilt" by Mary Catherine Lamb, displayed in her home.jpg 620 × 414; 71 KB
"Core Flow", by Marendo Müller.tif 6,786 × 4,862; 94.42 MB
"Cornelius" Goldfaced series, mixed tech. on wood board ,sm 32x24.jpg 972 × 1,300; 968 KB
"Costa Allegra" - Genoa, 1992.jpg 2,328 × 1,552; 3.76 MB
"Costa Victoria" laid up at Piombino.jpg 3,963 × 2,642; 2.36 MB
"Costa Victoria" prior to her christening.jpg 2,796 × 2,064; 5.06 MB
"Crash" c. 1930, Oil paint on board, by Robert Edward Weaver.jpeg 300 × 266; 62 KB
"Curved Blues" by Ray L. Burggraf.jpg 1,570 × 1,024; 980 KB
"Daddy God And The Christmas Cookies".jpg 3,000 × 2,390; 7.96 MB
"Daddy God And The Puppies Not Taking Their Nap".JPG 718 × 570; 429 KB
"Daddy God At The Bayou Fish Fry".jpg 3,000 × 2,340; 7.15 MB
"Daddy God At The Salt And Pepper Wedding".jpg 4,200 × 3,294; 10.81 MB
"Daddy God Bathing Baby Elephants".jpg 718 × 585; 558 KB
"Daddy God Walking Baby Elephant".JPG 543 × 417; 40 KB
"Daniel In the Lion's Den," by Robert Edward Weaver c. 1952.jpg 3,076 × 1,414; 1.58 MB
"Daughters of the Dust", also called "The Undertaker's Pale Children".jpg 1,600 × 1,978; 2.4 MB
"Dawn" (1989).jpg 1,350 × 1,676; 1.26 MB
"Dawn" (1989).pdf 920 × 1,143; 4.2 MB
"Dağların ovucunda Göy gölü"(Naxçıvan).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 7.77 MB
"Delos" - Huile sur toile - N°1484 - Yannis GAÏTIS.jpg 416 × 543; 204 KB
"Dernières nouvelles" - 1011.jpg 425 × 554; 203 KB
"Desire", 2017, Michał Jan Borucki, Oil on canvas, Triptych, 40x120cm.jpg 1,594 × 4,754; 3.3 MB
"Deux adversaires" - 1373 GAITIS.jpg 425 × 406; 166 KB
"Deux Adversaires" - Céramique - N°1373 - Yannis GAÏTIS.jpg 754 × 720; 141 KB
"Dialog" project, Iceland, Installation in 2008, photo by Fiann Paul.jpg 1,200 × 800; 122 KB
"Die Spinnerin".jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 4.07 MB
"Digitalisierung Laden Plakat" der PdH zur Europawahl 2024.jpg 1,365 × 1,427; 342 KB
"Dirt" official theatrical poster.png 3,549 × 5,214; 6.15 MB
"Djursland" - Fredericia, 1994.jpg 1,200 × 800; 135 KB
"DON'T".jpg 3,768 × 2,211; 920 KB
"Donation for a Dark Spirit" by Nina Kossman (Нина Косман).jpg 1,397 × 1,150; 111 KB
"Doulos Phos" - Singapore, 2012.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 2.02 MB
"Dragon Breath" by Ray L. Burggraf.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 859 KB
"Draw" by Doug Ischar.jpg 900 × 604; 322 KB
"Dreiländereck" von Rosa Lachenmeier, 2018. Sammlung Dreiländermuseum, Lörrach.jpg 1,800 × 750; 1.29 MB
"Dress 4" by Karen LaMonte.jpg 900 × 1,210; 41 KB
"Dress Impression with Train" by Karen LaMonte.jpg 267 × 400; 9 KB
"E" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92954.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.57 MB
"e-Reporters" for the G20 Seoul Summit.jpg 664 × 375; 257 KB
"Egisthe et Clytemnestre" - 109 GAÏTIS.jpg 212 × 310; 88 KB
"Eisig" by Birgit Schweiger.jpg 2,014 × 1,494; 538 KB
"El encuentro" acrilico sobre tela.jpg 1,085 × 776; 1.04 MB
"El Fandi" a la verónica.jpg 2,000 × 1,333; 931 KB
"Elizabeth Ville" cottage, woman and child A2823032h.jpg 1,400 × 1,139; 1.05 MB
"Elli" - Aden, 2010.jpg 1,280 × 1,024; 115 KB
"Ellinis" - Newcastle, 1963.jpg 2,500 × 1,505; 2.7 MB
"Embarazo de Ideas".jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 457 KB